Coffee machines

Coffee machines
for a noble café ambience

The dark hot beverage enjoys great popularity. Meanwhile, you can also easily prepare coffee at home. Whether with coffee powder and hot water or in a coffee maker - the choice is yours. It also depends on which drink you prefer. Whether black coffee, cappuccino or espresso - we have the right coffee machine for every coffee drink. Find out more about our coffee machines and their strengths and advantages here. This is how coffee quality can improve. Buy coffee machines now only at Wacker's Kaffee!

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Have you already decided on a coffee machine? Then all that's missing is the right coffee accessories. You can store the coffee beans airtight in the coffee tins, while you can enjoy your coffee in coffee cups and coffee glasses from Wacker's. Of course, you will also find other accessories for the coffee machines, such as cleaning products or milk jugs.

In addition, you can benefit from many advantages when ordering, for example:

  • vof a shipment free of shipping costs from a value of goods of 70 €,

  • of secure payment options, from which you can choose your preferred one,

  • and from fast delivery - you will receive your order within 2 to 5 working days.

If you have any questions or problems, you can reach us via our cistomer service or hotline. We are there for you Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Choose the best coffee enjoyment. Buy coffee machines now only at Wacker's Kaffee!

Have you already decided on a coffee machine? Then all that's missing is the right coffee accessories. You can store the coffee beans airtight in the coffee tins, while you can enjoy your coffee in coffee cups and coffee glasses from Wacker's. Of course, you will also find other accessories for the coffee machines, such as cleaning products or milk jugs.

In addition, you can benefit from many advantages when ordering, for example:

  • vof a shipment free of shipping costs from a value of goods of 70 €,

  • of secure payment options, from which you can choose your preferred one,

  • and from fast delivery - you will receive your order within 2 to 5 working days.

If you have any questions or problems, you can reach us via our cistomer service or hotline. We are there for you Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Choose the best coffee enjoyment. Buy coffee machines now only at Wacker's Kaffee!

Our range of coffee machines 

Have you already decided on a coffee machine? Then all that's missing is the right coffee accessories. You can store the coffee beans airtight in the coffee tins, while you can enjoy your coffee in coffee cups and coffee glasses from Wacker's. Of course, you will also find other accessories for the coffee machines, such as cleaning products or milk jugs.

In addition, you can benefit from many advantages when ordering, for example:

  • vof a shipment free of shipping costs from a value of goods of 70 €,

  • of secure payment options, from which you can choose your preferred one,

  • and from fast delivery - you will receive your order within 2 to 5 working days.

If you have any questions or problems, you can reach us via our cistomer service or hotline. We are there for you Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Choose the best coffee enjoyment. Buy coffee machines now only at Wacker's Kaffee!

Espressokocher bestehen aus Aluminium oder Edelstahl und setzen sich aus einer unteren Wasserkammer, einem Filtereinsatz und einer oberen Kaffeekammer zusammen. Aber auch für Induktionsherde gibt es mittlerweile tolle Modelle, die leckeren Espresso kochen. Füllen Sie die Wasserkammer einfach mit Wasser, geben Sie gemahlenen Kaffee in den Filtereinsatz und erhitzen Sie den Kocher auf dem Herd. Der Druck des erhitzten Wasserdampfs durchdringt den Kaffee und extrahiert das volle Aroma. Der Kaffee aus dem Espressokocher schmeckt intensiv, stark und besitzt eine wunderbare Crema.


Die Siebträgermaschine ist des Baristas bester Freund. Diese professionellen Geräte bestehen aus Edelstahl und verfügen über einen Wassertank, einen Siebträger, einen Dampfstab und eine Brühgruppe. Der Kaffee aus der Siebträgermaschine überzeugt mit einem reichhaltigen Aroma, einer samtigen Textur und einer perfekten Crema. Deswegen eignen sich diese Maschinen auch für eine Vielzahl an Kaffeespezialitäten.

Kaffeemaschine für perfekten Filterkaffee bestellen

Die Filterkaffeemaschine macht einen klassischen und leckeren schwarzen Kaffee. Sie verfügt über einen Wassertank, einen Filterkorb und eine Warmhalteplatte. Filterkaffee ist für seinen milden, leicht säuerlichen Geschmack bekannt und eignet sich für simplen Genuss. Ein beliebtes Modell in unserem Kaffeemaschinen-Shop ist der Moccamaster von KGB Select, der mit seinen cleveren Funktionen schnell leckeren Kaffee zubereitet.

Coffee Dripper

Der Coffee Dripper ist eine Handfilterkaffeemaschine, bei der Sie individuell entscheiden können, wie viel Kaffee und Wasser Sie für die Zubereitung des Getränkes verwenden möchten. Platzieren Sie den Filter auf der Tassenhalterung, fügen Sie gemahlenen Kaffee hinzu und gießen Sie langsam heißes Wasser darüber. Der Kaffee aus dem Coffee Dripper verwöhnt Ihre Sinne mit einem aromatischen und ausgewogenen Geschmackserlebnis, das von einer feinen Säurenote begleitet wird.

Coffee machines & more at Wacker's Kaffee

Have you already decided on a coffee machine? Then all that's missing is the right coffee accessories. You can store the coffee beans airtight in the coffee tins, while you can enjoy your coffee in coffee cups and coffee glasses from Wacker's. Of course, you will also find other accessories for the coffee machines, such as cleaning products or milk jugs.

In addition, you can benefit from many advantages when ordering, for example:

  • vof a shipment free of shipping costs from a value of goods of 70 €,

  • of secure payment options, from which you can choose your preferred one,

  • and from fast delivery - you will receive your order within 2 to 5 working days.

If you have any questions or problems, you can reach us via our cistomer service or hotline. We are there for you Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Choose the best coffee enjoyment. Buy coffee machines now only at Wacker's Kaffee!